Enjoy up to 70% discount due to exhibition renovation

Enjoy up to 70% discount due to exhibition renovation

Cookies Policy


BANNI guarantees compliance with current regulations on the protection of personal data, reflected in Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, Protection of Personal Data and Guarantee of Digital Rights (LOPD GDD). It also complies with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016, on the protection of natural persons (GDPR).

The owner of the Website BANNI – Elegant Interiors is Selhogar Confort SL (from hereon “BANNI”), domiciled for these purposes at José Ortega y Gasset Street, NIF number: B84019322, which is entered on the Mercantile Registry of Madrid in Volume 20.178, Book 0, Sheet 18, Section 8, Page M-356319, Entry 1.

Contact details
Phone: (+34) 914 317 062
Contact e-mail address: [email protected]

BANNI uses cookies to identify users who visit BANNI – Elegant Interiors, to remember
user preferences, as well as to track the use of BANNI – Elegant Interiors. You can set
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Likewise, BANNI – Elegant Interiors may include cookies from third-party service and/or content providers. BANNI does not control the introduction of such cookies and consequently will not be in any way responsible for any treatment activities carried out by said third parties in relation to the Data collected through the cookies introduced by them in BANNI – Elegant Interiors.

Furthermore, BANNI informs the user that they have the possibility of configuring their browser so that they are informed of the reception of cookies, being able, if they wish, to prevent them from being installed on their hard drive.

Below we provide the links of different browsers, through which you can make this configuration:

Firefox: http://support.mozilla.org/es/kb/habilitar-y-deshabilitar-cookies-que-lossitios-we

Chrome: http://support.google.com/chrome/bin/answer.py?hl=es&answer=95647

Explorer: http://windows.microsoft.com/es-es/internet-explorer/delete-managecookies#ie=ie-10

Safari: https://support.apple.com/kb/ph17191?locale=es_ES

Opera: https://help.opera.com/en/latest/web-preferences/#cookies


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José Ortega y Gasset, 26
28006, Madrid
91 431 70 62
Av. de Pau Casals 6,
93 209 06 09
CC. El Capricho, Local 2 y 7
95 277 70 50
Can Verí, 10
Palma de Mallorca
97 109 91 80